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Cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) / Indian Hemp or Bhang

Scientific Classification

  • Scientific Name: Cannabis sativa L.
  • Family: Cannabinaceae

Common Names

  • English: Indian Hemp
  • Sanskrit: Bhanga, Vijaya, Madakarini, Madni
  • Hindi: Bhang
  • Gujarati: Bhang
  • Marathi: Bhang
  • Bengali: Siddhi Bhaang
  • Arabic: Kinnab, Kunnab
  • Persian: Kanab, Kinab, Bang


Cannabis grows abundantly in India, especially in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Bihar.

  • Bhang is prepared from dried male cannabis leaves.
  • Ganja is made from the dried resinous flower clusters of female plants.
  • Charas is the resinous extract found on cannabis leaves and branches.

External Morphology

  • A perennial, aromatic, and hairy shrub growing 3-8 feet tall.
  • Leaves: Alternately arranged, lower leaves with 3-8 segments and upper leaves with 1-3 segments.
  • Flowers: Small, green, connate, and unisexual.
  • Fruits: Small, grain-like, containing a single flat seed.
  • Flowering & Fruiting: Occurs in autumn.

Chemical Composition

  • Contains cannabidiol (a soft brown resin).
  • Produces a thick sticky red oil, which hardens in air.
  • Also contains gummy substances, sugar, volatile oil, calcium phosphate, etc.


  • Bhang: Relieves cough, bitter, absorbent, digestive, hot, bile-producing, and intoxicating.
  • Seeds: Absorbent, prevent vomiting and diarrhea.

Medicinal Uses

For Ear & Head Issues

  • Earache: 8-10 drops of cannabis juice in the ear kills worms and relieves pain.
  • Insomnia: Bhang induces deep sleep without causing constipation or headaches.
  • Headache:
    1. Finely ground bhang leaves, when inhaled, relieve headaches.
    2. Heated extract applied as ear drops cures seasonal headaches.

For Nervous System Disorders

  • Hysteria:
    • 250 mg bhang with asafoetida or 65 mg dry extract helps treat hysteria in women.
  • Head Worms & Dandruff: Applying cannabis leaf juice on the scalp removes dandruff and kills scalp parasites.

For Respiratory Issues

  • Cough & Asthma:
    1. 65 mg ganja extract helps stop asthma attacks.
    2. 125 mg roasted bhang + 2 grams black pepper + 2 grams sugar candy improves breathing.
    3. Inhaling bhang smoke helps with breathing difficulties.

For Digestive Disorders

  • Diarrhea & Dysentery:
    1. 100 grams bhang + 200 grams dry ginger + 400 grams cumin – ground, sieved, and taken with curd for 40 days cures chronic dysentery.
    2. 125 mg bhang powder + 4-6 drops fennel extract twice a day treats acute dysentery.
    3. 100 mg cannabis powder + 50 mg poppy seed powder cures dysentery.
    4. Decoction of dried cannabis flowers with sugar and black pepper is effective.

For Pain & Inflammation

  • Abdominal Pain: Bhang and chili powder mixed with jaggery into ½ gram tablets relieve pain.
  • Testicular Swelling:
    1. Cannabis water wash reduces swelling.
    2. Poultices and steam therapy using dry cannabis ease inflammation.
  • Urinary Issues: Drinking cannabis extract with cucumber juice cures urinary dysuria.
  • Menstrual Pain: Mild purgation followed by ganja consumption relieves menstrual pain.
  • Hemorrhoids: Cannabis poultices relieve swelling, pain, and itching.

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