Acacia / Babul medicinal tree
Scientific Name:
Acaia nilotica (L.) Willd.
Family Name: Mimosaceae
English Name: Acacia tree, Babul
Common Names in Different Languages:
Sanskrit: Barbar, Ajamegya, Diirghkantaka
Hindi: Babul, Babur, Kikar
Marathi: Babul, Babul
Bengali: Bavla, Babul, Kikar
Telugu: Baburram, Nakka Dumma, Nela-Tumma
Punjabi: Babla
Babul is an ancient tree known for its medicinal and commercial significance. Its bark and gum are widely used in various industries. This desert tree has small leaves and thorny stems. It has found mention in literature due to its unique properties. Babul trees are widely found in India, blooming with yellowish spherical flowers in summer, followed by pod growth in autumn.
External Appearance
Medium-sized tree with dark brown, cracked bark
Round, bent branches with sharp, pointed thorns
Bipinnate small leaflets arranged in 4 to 9 pairs
Yellowish flowers appear in spherical clusters
Pods are 3-6 inches long, flat, containing 8-12 flat seeds
Reddish-white gum oozes from the stem, especially in summer
Acacia wood is widely used for fuel
Chemical Composition
Bark contains 6-12% astringent substances
Pods contain 12-19% tannin
Extract from the stem forms Acacia gum
Indian gum is round or oval, light yellow to dark brown, and water-soluble
Bark & Pods: Astringent, worm-killer, leprosy and burn pacifier
Gum: Wind-bile pacifier, diuretic, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, tonic
Overall: Pacifies cough, bile, and phlegm disorders
Medicinal Uses
1. Eye Diseases
Grind soft leaves, extract juice, and use 1-2 drops for eye pain and swelling
Tie a paste of leaves mixed with woman’s milk on the eyes
2. Dental Health
Gargle with acacia bark decoction 2-3 times daily
Suck gum pieces for relief from oral infections
Brushing with a mixture of acacia pod peel, salt, and almond peel ash relieves toothache
Using soft acacia twigs as a toothbrush strengthens teeth
Powder of bark, leaves, flowers, and pods helps prevent dental issues
Gargling with its bark decoction prevents tooth decay
3. Throat Diseases
Mix leaves and bark of acacia with banyan bark, soak in water, and gargle
Decoction of bark mixed with sugar candy relieves thirst and burning sensation
4. Breast Firmness
Apply dried pod pulp with a cloth wrap to firm loose breasts
5. Abdominal Disorders
Drink decoction of inner bark mixed with buttermilk for abdominal diseases, including ascites
Pickle of soft pods with rock salt improves appetite and digestion
6. Jaundice
Mix acacia flower powder with sugar candy; take 10g thrice daily
7. Diarrhea
Drink juice of 8-10 acacia leaves
Grind tender shoots with cumin seeds and pomegranate buds, dissolve in 100g water, and drink
Mix leaf juice with buttermilk and drink
8. Semen Disorders
Dry and grind pods; mix with sugar candy; consume one spoon in morning and evening
Fry acacia gum in ghee and consume for increasing semen quality in men and strength in women
9. Snotfall
Consume powder of acacia Panchanga (all parts) with sugar candy regularly
10. Puerperal Disease
Grind 10g inner bark and 3 black peppercorns, eat in morning and evening
11. Children's Health
Feeding 2-4g of acacia leaf powder daily results in a radiant child
12. Bone Fracture
Regularly consume one spoon of pod powder to aid bone healing
13. Sciatica & Back Pain
Grind equal parts of bark, pods, and gum; take one spoon thrice daily
14. Skin Issues
Grind acacia flowers with vinegar and apply on ringworm
15. Bleeding Disorders
Apply juice of acacia leaves on wounds or sprinkle dry leaf/bark powder to stop bleeding
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