Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) / Dalchini
Scientific Classification
Scientific Name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Family: Lauraceae
English Name: Cinnamon
Names in Different Languages
Sanskrit: Gudtvak, Chanch, Tvak, Utkata, Darusita
Hindi: Dalchini
Marathi: Dalchini, Pooharchak
Bengali: Daruchini, Poi
Punjabi: Dalchini
Telugu: Lavan Vakal
Arabic: Darchini, Darsini, Kirfa
Cinnamon is an evergreen tree native to the Himalayan region, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), and the Malaya Peninsula. It is widely used as a spice and medicinal herb. There are three main types:
C. cassia: Originates from China, has a thick bark.
C. zeylanicum: Imported to India from Sri Lanka, thinner, sweeter, and less pungent than the Chinese variety. Considered the best for medicinal use.
C. tamala: Thick, less pungent, slimy when ground with water. Its leaves are known as Tejpatra.
External Appearance
A medium-sized evergreen tree growing up to 20-25 feet.
Leaves are opposite, leathery, 4-7 inches long, and have a shiny surface with a strong aroma when rubbed.
Small, clustered flowers with a foul smell.
Dark purple fruits, about 1 inch long, covered with fine hairs.
The bark of young trees is smooth and pale yellow, while older trees have rough, brown bark about 5mm thick.
Chemical Composition
Contains up to 50% essential oil, primarily cinnamaldehyde and eugenol.
Leaves also yield an essential oil rich in eugenol.
Seeds contain about 33% stable oil.
Camphor-scented oil is extracted from the root bark.
Properties and Benefits
Digestive aid: Relieves gas and bloating.
Liver stimulant: Supports liver function.
Laxative: Aids in constipation relief.
Pain reliever: Effective in muscle and joint pain.
Aphrodisiac: Enhances vitality.
Mouth cleanser: Eliminates bad breath.
Blood circulation booster: Helps in conditions like arthritis.
Medicinal Uses
1. Oral and Dental Health
Applying cinnamon oil to the gums relieves toothache.
Brushing with crushed cinnamon leaves makes teeth clean and shiny.
2. Respiratory Health
Influenza: Boil 3g cinnamon, 600mg cloves, and 2g dry ginger in 1 liter of water. Reduce to 250ml and drink 50ml thrice daily.
Cough Relief: Take 1 tsp bay leaf powder with 2 tsp honey morning and evening.
Chronic Cough: Mix 1 tsp cinnamon powder with ¼ tsp bay leaf powder and take thrice daily.
3. Headache Relief
Grinding cinnamon leaves into a paste and applying to the forehead relieves headaches.
Rubbing cinnamon oil on the forehead soothes headaches caused by cold.
Heated cinnamon paste applied to the forehead alleviates headaches from cold exposure.
4. Digestive Disorders
Hiccups: A decoction of 10-20g cinnamon and 250ml Mastangi cures persistent hiccups.
Indigestion: Consuming cinnamon oil in small quantities improves digestion and kills harmful gut bacteria.
Constipation: A warm cinnamon bath relieves constipation.
5. Muscular and Joint Health
Muscle Weakness: Take 5-10g cinnamon with 1g peepalmool and 500mg ghee.
Make a paste of 10-20g cinnamon powder and 20-30g honey, apply to affected joints.
Mix 1 tsp honey and 2g cinnamon powder in warm water and drink thrice daily.
6. Circulatory Health
Taking 10-20ml cinnamon water thrice daily benefits individuals with excessive uterine bleeding and hypertension.
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