Tinospora / Giloy Medicinal Uses
Scientific Name: Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. f. & Thoms.
Family: Menispermaceae
Common Names:
English: Tinospora
Sanskrit: Guduchi, Amrit Valli, Chhinna, Madhuparni, Vatsadani, Kundalini
Hindi: Giloy, Guduchi
Marathi: Gulvel
Punjabi: Galo, Gilo
Telugu: Tippatigo
Giloy, also known as Amrita or Amritvalli, is a perennial, climbing shrub that never dries. It is found up to 1,000 feet above sea level. It absorbs the properties of the tree on which it grows, making Giloy climbing on Neem trees the most potent.
External Appearance
Giloy is a spiral-growing creeper found on trees like Neem and Mango.
Stem: Thick with a light brown, papery outer bark that peels off in layers. The inner stem is green and pulpy.
Roots: Aerial roots hang down and give rise to new plants upon contact with soil.
Leaves: Heart-shaped, smooth, alternate, and betel-leaf-shaped.
Flowers: Small, yellow clusters appear in summer.
Fruits: Grow in bunches, turning red upon ripening. Seeds are white, smooth, and slightly curved like chili seeds.
Chemical Composition
Main Components:
Starch (1.2%)
Bitter glucoside ('Giloin')
Alkaloids: Berberine, Giloimin, Casmethin, Palmarin, Renatperine, and Tinosporic
Volatile oils, fatty acids, alcohol, glycerol, and essential oils
Balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying
Effective in treating fever, weakness, diabetes, and skin diseases
Boosts immunity and blood health
Works against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and E. coli
Enhances insulin production, reducing blood sugar levels
Medicinal Uses
Eye Disorders:
Mix 1g honey and rock salt in 11.5g Giloy juice; apply as eyewash for various eye conditions.
Drink a decoction of Giloy juice with Triphala, Peepal powder, and honey for improved vision.
Mix 10-15g Giloy juice with 4-6g sugar candy; drink twice daily.
Mix 15-30g honey in 125-250ml Giloy juice; consume thrice daily.
Ear Disorders:
Rubbing Giloy in lukewarm water and pouring 2 drops in the ear twice daily removes wax buildup.
Digestive Disorders:
Prepare a decoction of dry ginger, motha, atis, and Giloy; drink 20-30g in the morning and evening for digestion and constipation relief.
Respiratory Issues (Cough, Swelling, Breathing Problems):
Boil equal parts of Adusa chal, Giloy, and Choti Kateri in 500ml water; drink one-fourth after cooling with honey.
Drink 10-20g Giloy decoction with 2 teaspoons of honey for relief in all types of urticaria.
Apply a mixture of Giloy and dry ginger powder in the nose.
Drink a decoction of Giloy powder and dry ginger powder mixed with milk.
Mix 2 teaspoons honey in 20-30g Amrita decoction; consume 3-4 times daily.
Grind 10-20 leaves, mix in buttermilk, and drink in the morning.
Wearing a garland of small pieces of Giloy provides relief.
Prepare a decoction of Giloy with Harah Chaniya; consume morning and evening with jaggery.
Liver Disorders and Poor Digestion:
Crush fresh Giloy (18g), parsley (2g), small Peepal (2 pieces), and Neem bark (2 pieces); soak in 250g water overnight and drink in the morning.
Consume this for 15-30 days for digestive health.
Mix Giloy, Khus, Pathani Lodh, Anjan, Red Sandalwood, Nagarmotha, Arvela, Harad, Parwal leaves, Neem bark, and Padmakashth in equal parts. Grind and store the powder. Take 10g mixed with honey thrice daily.
Consume Giloy juice, Shatpal ghee, and Triphala decoction for intermittent fever and urinary disorders.
Anemia & Weakness:
Cook 1kg Giloy juice, 250g stem paste, 4kg milk, and 1kg buffalo milk until only ghee remains. Mix 10g ghee in four times cow’s milk; drink morning and evening.
Urinary Disorders (Mutrakrsht):
Mix 2g Pashan Bhed powder and 1 teaspoon honey in 10-20g Giloy juice. Consume 3-4 times daily.
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